Frequently Asked Question

How to access SIMS from home
Last Updated 3 years ago

To access SIMS from home you will need to speak to the IT department to have your account created in DUO authencation. You will need to provide your phone number and type of phone, eg Android/Apple/Land line. This is a one time process that will involve installing an app or agreing to revie automated phone calls. 

Once completed please follow the steps below...

For Windows

Go to the Windows/Start menu and search for "remote dektop"

Click on the remote desktop appliction 


Enter the server name ""

Press connect


When prompted enter your network username and password. If not using a school deive you will have to prefix your username with SET\


If asked about your fierwall allow the connection

When presented with the duo security window go to your mobile phone and check the Duo app. The app should prompt you to accept the connection with a green tick or a red cross to delcine it. Accpet it if it is you trying to connect

You should then see the remote desktop server and be able to run SIMS as if you where in school.

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